Thursday, January 21, 2010

late night blogging questions

It's not yet tomorrow. It's late and I can't sleep. This is probably not good for my blood pressure.

In less than 2 weeks I am off to NM for a 2 week stay at my home, the Oasis of Lorien. I am sooo looking forward to it and very excited to be spending that much time with myself... and my painting. It will be a retreat as this journey is, from Santa Barbara to Lorien, a retreat back into my chosen life.

But I have a question rumbling about in my being about these blogs. Who am I writing to? It has been bugging me that I do not know and don't have a feeling for it yet. It isn't like I am employed to write to anyone or for anyone. No exterior purpose. I don't have a Honey that I am opening my heart to through words. No emotional pull. Am I just writing to myself, for myself? Well, I GUESS SO! Since no one reads this blog and there are no comments. OK, it is like a 'Dear Diary". I am writing to that ignorant person inside me who needs to know more about the real me? Am I just being boringly narcissistic? Or is this therapeutic?
This is kind of a 'Dear Diary' that is a letter in a bottle, but potentially available to the whole world. Someone just might find the bottle washed up on the internet shore and read this.

1 comment:

  1. all great questions....and ones that a smart blogger asks....
    Finding your blog voice....hummmm

    some blog to teach = teacher vocie, info, lots of links, money making links too....people come to these sites to learn and they keep coming back in they like it.

    some blog to share = family photos, vacation photos, receipts, etc...people go to these blogs cuz the know the people or like the subject.

    some blog to promote = updating on the latest goings ons. The goal is to inform the followers on the what is new with the product, person, or event, or ???? They people that follow these blogs need to keep up or want to.

    some blog for a cause = save this or that...lots of information about how to be involved or help...and of course updated on there end. People that follow these feel strongly about the subject matter.

    I'm sure there are 20 more reasons to blog, but whatever the reason....the "voice" and the "goal" of the blog are important.
    I'm still working on mine too. I know my blog is for self promotion with my photography...I'm not to sure who I'm selling to...most of my viewers are photographers....I know that I'm selling myself, my personality that people like. They feel apart of my life with me on my's my "about" page for my web site....but my "voice" I'm still working that out...I don't like to write, so that limits me a lot. I've been adding past memories to my present photos lately, I like that.

    for you....?
    I imagine it would be similar to me. You are promoting your art...and promoting your artist self too. I see you posting updates on your art, finished pieces, gallery shows, top sold work, poster/cards announcements, artists that inspire you, before, during, and after shots for your followers to see, sharing experiments that went bad, and on and on.
    I'm not sure about the BP talk or the to NM and back to CA talk....if so, how does it relate to your ART????? example: because you are working with you BP this drawing that you did on the train spoke to you...then show photo of drawing.

    I don't see you as a "dear diary" more like a fan club update.

    Later when you find your voice, you can start to spread the word of your blog via email list and facebook....but until then keep adding to it and finding your goal for it.
    It helps to see what others are doing so look at lots of others peoples blogs and write down what you like and don't like.

    Good luck.
